My purpose in writing this post is twofold:
1.) It has been brought to my attention that I have been neglecting my duties here. I therefore decided to pop in for a spell and pinch off a few nuggets of thoughts to share with you, my adoring (if small) audience.
2) It has recently (like about 30min ago as of this writing) come to my attention that the lovely, caring & accessibility oriented folks at Google (read that sarcasm there?) have updated the Blogger interface, making it mostly inaccessible to screen reader users on both the Windows and Mac platforms.
While this in no way surprises me given Google's hideous track record for accessibility, it does piss me off a good bit. I'm beginning to believe that Google and Facebook would make great partners in unscrupulous fornication due to their tendency to screw things up the minute they actually start to work in a partially satisfactory manner.
All this being said, Blogger is still accessible for us blind types via the iOS app as evidenced by my posting this for your reading pleasure.
If following this as it unfolds doesn't drive me batty, I may post updates in the comments below.
Until then Blogger/Google, consider your ass in the doghouse!
- Posted using BlogPress from my jailbroken iPhone4S running iOS 5.0.1. Suck it Android!